Thursday, March 8, 2018

DPCW, Article 2 ☞ War Potential & Peace Law

March 14th 2018
2nd Annual Commemoration 
of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War
🔺 Click image to see '2nd Annual Commemoration of DPCW 🔺

DPCW, Article 2 : 
War Potential & Peace Law

HWPL, 'DPCW' Source:

Article 2- War potential

2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW

1. States should co-operate with a view to the gradual reduction of armament production.

2. States should not produce, assist in, encourage or induce; the production of weapons, or weapons capable of causing indiscriminate or widespread and unnecessary suffering, or weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law.

3. State should take measure to ensure that existing weapons of mass destruction, weapons capable of causing widespread and unnecessary suffering and weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law are gradually dismantled or destroyed States should  cooperate in disarmament and the reduction of arms stockpiles, ideally under international supervision. Decommissioned weapons manufacturing facilities should be repurposed, so that they may serve purposes that are beneficial to humanity in general.

4. State should strive to reduce excessive standing armies and military bases.

5. States should cooperate to gradually diminish trade in weapons and attempt to reduce the flow of small arms to non-states actors.

If this peace law, DPCW legislate, people will beat their swords
 into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up swords or rifles or guns against nation,
or will people train or learn for war anymore.(example of this: the South Korea-US joint drill  VS
 Philippines peace deal with Moro Islamic Liveration Front, MILF)

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