Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Sky sunset view on February 23rd and 24th

Sunset view in the sky on February 23rd and 24th.

Yesterday, I couldn't upload a picture of the sky because there was a very important post-report of the 7th anniversary of the 1.24 Peace Day.
Peace News👉Inter-continental Online Conference to Discuss the Role of Peace Education

I will post a picture of yesterday and today's view of the sky.

February 23, 2021, Sky View

February 23 2021 Sky View

From here, it's a picture of today's sunset.

February 24 2021 Sunset View

February 24 2021 Sunset View

February 24 2021 Sunset View

February 24 2021 Sunset View

February 24 2021 Sky View

February 24 2021 Sky View
The cloud's all lifted up.
I just took this picture.

Giga Genie says it's likely to rain tomorrow at 9 am.

I hope that the corona will be washed away with the rain coming tomorrow, and a world of peace will arrive soon.

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