Monday, September 14, 2020

FQA) DPCW, Substantive Peace Laws & HWPL

Frequently Asked Question 
Regarding DPCW of HWPL

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light

The Realization of Peace seen in the Peace Parade  🔺 918 WARP Summit 🔺

If it wasn't for the Coronavirus, I'd be very excited about preparing for the WARP Summit by now.
This year, COVID-19 has brought almost all peace to a standstill.
It's a pity.

So I prepared this FAQ regarding the DPCW of HWPL.

DPCW, Substantive Peace Laws that can Achieve Peace in the Global Community.
Please refer to the link below~^.^~ ⤋

Q. How is the DPCW different from the UN Charter or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Answers to FAQ regarding DPCW of HWPL

A. While the DPCW is based on the mindset of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which agree on humanity’s common development and the creation and maintenance of a peaceful world as the entire globe’s purpose, the DPCW is different in a sense that it approaches the principles and participation for peace in a more active and developed form.

Articles 1 through 7 deal with the roles of a state in creating a peaceful environment in the international society, including prohibiting the use of force, reducing war potential, respecting international law, and developing friendly relations. Articles 8 to 10 emphasize freedom of religion, the participation of the citizens, and strengthening education and welfare; they propose that the creation of a world of peace is a task of this era for every person on this earth. The DPCW’s purpose is to create peace in a permanently sustainable form.

Q. What does HWPL do?

A. With its umbrella organization – the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) – and a cooperating organization, the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG), HWPL is working actively under the motto, "to make peace in the world and leave it as a legacy to the future generation." Leaders from all walks of life around the world, 199 advisors, 607 publicity ambassadors, and over 200,000 volunteers are working together in implementing global peace activities by transcending national boundaries, races, cultures, and religions. HWPL is also participating in spreading various cultures of peace in order to promote the implementation of UN SDGs.

HWPL's three main peace initiatives are as follows:

1) Legislate Peace project (LP project)is a global campaign to encourage the implementation of peace and to develop the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) as a legally binding document.

2) The World Alliance of Religions' Peace Office (WARP Office) is a place of practical harmony and communication in which various religious people come together to find solutions for peace through the comparison of religious scriptures.

3) HWPL Peace Education Project purposes to disseminate peace materials being produced on the basis of basic values of peace, such as dignity, loyalty, coexistence, and the sustainability of life, to HWPL Peace Academies and educational institutes around the world to provide peace education.

From the end of the coronavirus to the end of the war 
A few days ago in Korea, I heard that many people participated in plasma donation. 
I hope that the development of coronavirus treatments will accelerate, leading from the end of the coronavirus to the end of the war and that the era of peace will come to us soon.


  1. The most beautiful and hopeful work of peace in today's conflict-ridden world.

  2. wow this is very heartwarming, amazing how people all over the world unite and work together for one greater cause

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