Sunday, April 4, 2021

Petals Paths Piled Like Snow

 The Paths of Petals Piled up Like Snow

I've been to the urban forest in Uam-dong
The weather was gloomy today, though, the path was bright with fallen petals.
The flowers piled up a lot like snow.
Where there were no cherry trees, the floor was neat, and petals piled up like snow under the cherry trees, making it like walking on snow.
As the petals fall, spring seems to fall together, but soon other flowers will bloom.
Just in time, on my way home, there were royal azaleas sticking out their heads even in front of my house.
The flowers that have bloomed so far are fallen and new flowers are blooming.
Below is the picture I took today.

It's flying diligently over the flowers over the azaleas that haven't fully bloomed yet.
At first, I thought it was a fly, but, when I looked closely, it was a bee^.^

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