Thursday, November 13, 2014

Man Hee Lee's leadership

peace advocate, 
Chairman Man Hee Lee 

It is my pleasure to introduce to you the greatest peace advocate, Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL, in a global village that Korea has ever produced.

  • HWPL : Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light

He is the father of peace to all youth, and the president of heaven to all those who want peace, and he is fulfilling the heavenly culture on this earth. 
Chairman Man Hee Lee is truly Peace Advocate what the world had been waiting to achieve world peace on earth. 

First of all, I was surprised, with the news of the peace agreement between the nations of Mindanao in the Philippines and the Catholic Islamic community. In Mindanao there was the 40 year war between the Muslim and Catholic communities. Through Chairman Man Hee Lee's leadership to bring peace in Mindanao, the citizens of Mindanao were able to see the change in their nation from death to life
I was truly touching. I have seen that little wriggling like these will eventually pervade the entire world with peace.

Chairman Lee's world peace activities and thought was the best that mankind could do for world peace. I guess the true meaning for the complete cessation of war is being rid of the root of evil, the reason for war, only through the answer to peace which the heaven helps make possible the cessation of war, and achieve the era of peace that all mankind have longed for peace. We have desired materials to cease war and achieve world peace exists. Now, the world is taking interest in Chairman Lee's next steps, and are hoping for world peace.
In my estimation, in spite of his great age of eighty-four, the 14 world peace tours, there have been many obstacles, but Chairman Lee never gave up rain or shine, collection the materials of peace one by one, bearing the magnificent fruit as today.

Chairman Lee, who has devoted his whole life to the work of peace, is the true entity of peace on this earth.

Chairman Man Hee Lee is the greatest peace advocate in a global village that Korea has ever produced.
He is the father of peace to all youth, and the president of heaven to all those who want peace, and he is fulfilling the heavenly culture on this earth. 
He is truly Peace Advocate what the world had been waiting to achieve world peace on earth. 

I sincerely hope to achieve 'world peace', and leave it as an inheritance for our children and future generations. 
I think that there is nothing greater or more precious in this world.
So I take much interest in Chairman Lee's world peace activities and thought. 
I am going to be Peace Advocate in the future, too. 

Thank you.


  1. wow... he looks old but he is better than any young ppl!!

  2. I couldn't agree with you any more

  3. Wow It is so amazing !!! I saw some articles about peace advocate. and I am touched..! I support as well.
