Sunday, April 26, 2015

Man Hee Lee Peace Quote

Man Hee Lee Peace Quote

Man Hee Lee Chairman Opening Speech 
From WARP Peace Summit of HWPL 1st day

My dear family members of the global community, and you the precious guest at this Peace Summit, the last duty we have to fulfill in our generation is to achieve the cessation of wars on Earth. Our final task is to achieve world peace, and leave it as an inheritance for our future generations.

There truly is nothing greater or more precious in this world. The record of this work will be remembered throughout history – an eternal, shining testimony, giving honor to all who shared in the work. Peace belongs to us all, not only to certain individuals. Let us all, therefore, become the messengers of peace, those who finally achieve world peace. 
Thank you. 

"Our final task is to achieve world peace, and leave it as an inheritance for our future generations!"
Man Hee Lee peace quote, your each and every word touched my heart with such intensity.

Peace advocate, Man Hee Lee, thank you... thank you very much~

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