Monday, August 22, 2016

Dear HWPL Peace Family Members around the world -ManHeeLee

Global Festival~!
D-Day: 26
<September 18th Sunday 2016>
2nd Annual Commemoration,
Seoul Korea

Dear HWPL Peace Family Members
 around the world
-ManHeeLee Peace advocate

HWPL Chairman, ManHeeLee peace advocate
HWPL Chairman, ManHeeLee Greetings

 I am Man Hee Lee, the peace advocate of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL).

 It is an honor to be speaking with like-minded believers of peace who dedicate their lives serving their people, country, and creed. As people who share this earth together, the duty appointed to us is to preserve the natural principles and rights of mankind. 

 As we have seen from the past memories of our forefathers, to ensure that our future generations do not enter such periods of darkness depends on how active we remain to protect what is right and just for humanity.

 It is for this reason that I, to this day, continue to act upon the vision I have received, a vision of life, peace, and harmony. 

 What I desire to share with you is the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War. 

 Drafted by renowned legal experts, the declaration's purpose is to cease all wars on earth. What makes this newly-designed declaration unique is its inclusion of provisions designed to prevent religious conflict, often times excluded from legal projects. However, a provision addressing religious issues proves to be crucial in achieving peace; as much as 80% of wars stem from religious roots.

 If every country in the world adopts legislature inspired by the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, I have faith that war will no longer break out. Peace, our long-awaited objective, will be achieved, and the world will be transformed back its original and perfect design. 

 Adopting this declaration ensures achieving a world of safety and peace. Not only will citizens support its provisions, but when the heads of state become aware of the declaration, how can they go against its message? Going against the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War is going against peace. Therefore, if a head of state rejects this declaration, wouldn't their future descendants question their leader's stance on morality?

 Thus, a head of state who encourages war instead of peace will fall into disfavor with the global community, causing an urgency by the people to adopt the declaration. However, when heads of state practice politics based on the declaration, the scourge of wars and conflicts will end, and peace will blossom around the world.

 When heads of state around the world sign the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, surely this will gain the United Nations' attention, causing the implementation, through the UN and its Security Council, of the declaration on an international level to be much more possible. 

Fellow workers of peace, this is my declaration to you: to support this movement, and show your support for what life has desired since the beginning. I urge you to show your commitment to establish harmony throughout the world by advocating the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War to be incorporated in all nations.

 I thank you for your time in reading my message for the world. Our efforts in restoring this earth are beyond what man desires, but instead the hope of all sources of life. Even the beasts and trees yearn of a day when justice will reign, and this work lays in our hands.

 I look forward to working together towards the hope that our citizens dream of. 

Most respectfully ~

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