Tuesday, May 26, 2015

5.25 HWPL Peace Day, Religious Leader Man Hee Lee, Walk Festival in Mindanao

Religious Leader Man Hee Lee, 
5.25 HWPL Peace Day, 
Walk Festival in Mindanao

HWPL Day, 5.25 Peace day, in Mindanao, Philippines, Unveiling
'the Mindanao Peace Agreement Monument' on May 25th 2015

Unveiling ‘the Mindanao Peace Agreement Monument' on May 25th 2015 
Proclamation of January 24th as ‘HWPL’ day of Maguindanao 
IPYG Walk Festival in Mindanao, Philippines 

Today, We meet HWPL, Religious Leader Man Hee Lee News^^*
The Truth & The Future, Zimeye reports from Mindanao, Philippines~

As a Korean War Veteran who experienced the pains of division of the country, Chairman Lee proclaimed the Declaration of World Peace at Seoul Olympic Park Peace Plaza on May 25th, 2013, for the first time in history. Since then, the declaration has become the standards and goals of HWPL peace initiatives and of the mindsets and mottos of people. 

The peace activities of HWPL around the world led to the success of the historical World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in Seoul, South Korea on September 17th – 18th. 

About 4,000 current and former presidents, political leaders, chief justices, religious leaders, youth and women group leaders came together and signed the peace agreement, making the splendid and unprecedented scene. 

Since the WARP Summit, many judges and law-makers are cooperating with and supporting HWPL to enact an international law for the cessation of war while religious leaders are actively gathering to establish WARP Office Meetings in their communities.

Currently, 62 WARP Offices have been established in 40 countries, dedicating their efforts into comparing and contrasting religious scriptures in the consecutive meetings for the unification of all religions, thus establishing peace in the world.

The Truth & The Future, Zimeye reported from Mindanao, Philippines^.^

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