Sunday, November 29, 2015


HWPL Cooperate to Further 
the Efforts and Missions of UN


How can HWPL cooperate to further the efforts and missions of UN? 

HWPL, with the DPI association can now work more directly with the UN to raise public awareness particularly in grass root and rural communities about key issues on the UN agenda including the priorities of the UN Secretary-General and the General Assembly. 

HWPL can also work with the UN to help collect data for the Post 2015 development agenda and can design and implement public information activities and programs including the printing and dissemination of publications promoting the work of the United Nations. 

Since the association with DPI, HWPL has been featured in the NGO DPI Announcements in the “NGO Spotlight” – where its vision and goal was outlined and noted for volunteerism and efforts toward peaceful resolutions. 

- The Peace Line

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