Monday, May 9, 2016

HWPL, The Implementation of the International Peace Law

<The HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee>
The Implementation of 
the International Law

The HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee 
for the Implementation of the International Law 
on the Cessation of War and 
Achievement of World Peace
Albania, Philippines

April 12 and April 15, the IWPG launched the HWPL Peace Advocacy Committees in Tirana, Albania and Buluan in Maguindanao, the Philippines.

The launching ceremonies highlighted the significance of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, and members discussed the role of the Committee and ways to better promote the Declaration in respective regions.

The HWPL Peace Advocacy Committees in Tirana and Buluan each announced plans to introduce the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War to public offices and educational institutes, promote the Declaration through the media, and bring feasible results by monitoring progress on a weekly basis.

Everyone present today is doing great work in various fields. I believe each of our experience will let us fulfill our goal."
 Sevim Arbana
 Executive Director
 Useful to Albanian Women

"10,000 signatures in a month is not an impossible mission. News24 TV will help promote the Declaration."
 Aurora Golemi
 News24 TV
"My organization is endorsed by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth. That said, we can promote the Declaration and plan signing campaigns focused on college students."
 Lorena Bushi
 Operations Manager
 Youth Act Center

"All regions in Maguindanao must become one and spread peace through signing campaigns to support the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War."
 Bai Jennah Lumawan
 Maguindanao Women's for
 Peace and Development Organization Inc. 

"The first reason I joined this Committee is because I wish peace and grace for not only my hometown but also in the Philippines and the entire world."
 Helen Laud Piang
 Board of Trustee
 Maguindanao Women's for
 Peace and Development Organization Inc.
"I plan to visit all local governments to urge for Peace Education, and I will earnestly spread the message that we must become one for peace."

 Dahlia Uko Mangudadatu
 Vice President
 Maguindanao Women's for
 Peace and Development Organization Inc.
- The Peace Line

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