Thursday, May 5, 2016

IWPG, A Conversation for Peace in South Africa

IWPG, A Conversation 
for Peace in South Africa

 March 18, the South African Branch of the IWPG hosted 
A Conversation for Peace in Port Elizabeth,
Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.

40 delegates from Nelson Mandela 
Metropolitan University (NMMU), 
Women of Vision, the African Union 
in South Africa had discussions 
to bring concrete measures 
to build peace in communities 
in the region.

The viewing of video clips 
on IWPG-led peace works 
inspired participants 
with the spirit of solidarity of 3.6 billion 
women worldwide and kindled 
the idea that women 
are the agents of peace.

Presenters at the event 
were Carmel Mahomed, 
a NMMU lecturer, 
and Lungi Ngaphi, an author 
and motivational speaker, 
who each spoke of the role 
of the heart of a mother 
and of meeting the potential 
of women for bringing peace. 
Their speeches presented a roadmap 
for establishing peace in the region.

Next in the program 
was a discussion session 
where participants actively shared 
their thoughts and stories 
on the value of peace, peace 
in the perspective of individuals, 
families and local communities 
and ideas for feasible plans to build peace.

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