Saturday, June 25, 2016

[HWPL International law] IPYG, Peace Effort in Zimbabwe

IPYG, Peace Effort in Zimbabwe

The 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace at the Harare Gardens

The seeds of peace start to grow in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe – On the 4th of June 2016, IPYG, the International Peace Youth Group alongside numerous youth groups and educational institutions hosted the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace at the Harare Gardens.

Showing their commitment for peace, youth from the Female Student Network, Global Youth Foundation, and Centre for Peace and United Theological College all came together to help promote global peace advocacy through the Legislate Peace Campaign.

The campaign was recently launched to bring all wars to an end by establishing an enforceable law compatible with the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

The speakers include Mr. Claris Maduku, Director of The Platform for Youth Development Trust (PYD), Ms. Chido Mpemba, regional representative of Peace is Possible and Dr. Mohsen Shojakhani, the Cultural Counsellor of the Cultural Center of The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Drafted by the HWPL International Law Peace Committee and proclaimed on March 14th this year the DPCW has steadily received the public’s attention.

It represents the voices of all those who yearn for peace and urges States to protect their citizen’s rights to enjoy peaceful lives.

The “Legislate Peace” Campaign calls on global citizens to unite as one to speak out their positive demands for peace by adding their signatures.

World leaders and governments are also being called on to make and enforce a national law based on the principles of the DPCW.

Around 500,000 signatures were collected through on and offline peace law platforms worldwide, in approximately three months.

Marking the 3rd anniversary of its proclamation, the Declaration of World Peace has seen its fruit through the DPCW.

The Declaration of World Peace Officially proclaimed at 5.25 Peace Walk at the Peace Gate, the Declaration of World Peace is HWPL’s vision for sustainable peace.

We call on the heads of state of every country to sign an international agreement – a commitment to bringing all wars to an end.

We ask them to do this from a spirit of deep-stead love for the people of their country.

The document of Declaration states: “Of what use is a young life, born in our day and age, if it is thrown away in this manner – thrown away without having had a chance to bloom? What price can compensate for the loss of a life? … In whatever way you can, we ask that you work to further the cause of world peace and restoration, making it a reality in your direct environments.”

[HWPL International law] IPYG, Peace Effort in Zimbabwe ☞

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