Tuesday, February 7, 2017

WARP Office, Religions’ Role on Achieving Peace

WARP Office, 
Religions’ Role on Achieving Peace

<WARP Office, to communicate and pursue peace with religions>

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light, HWPL is acting out 
for cessation of war and world peace around the globe.

In World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office of HWPL, religious leaders 
from each country is gathering to compare their own scriptures to unify religion in one.

WARP office, approach of peace project by HWPL is crucial for peace.

Below is WARP office, approach of peace project news 💗

Religious dialogue creates greater cohesion

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) New Zealand branch hosted the 15th World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office meeting on January 23, 2017.

For this dialogue, religious leaders from Islam, Mormon, Christian, Sikh faiths participated and discussed ‘Religions’ Role on Achieving Peace.’

Akshdeep Singh Gahir, Representative of Auckland Sikh Community emphasized the importance of this meeting,

“The HWPL Dialogues gives me the opportunity to open my mind even to learn my own religion and to look into other religions as well,” he said.

 Trustworthy Scripture 

A five-question survey on methods of finding ‘Trustworthy Scripture’ was after the discussion.

Anna Featherstone (Mormon), Shafiq ur Rehman (Islam, Ahmadiyya) and Akshdeep Singh Gahir (Sikh). who participated in the dialogue agreed to actively engage in HWPL’s WARP Office by accepting the differences within the religions.

Ms Featherstone of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints said, “The format that HWPL does their dialogues really works and there is a lot more discussing to be done and I am really looking forward to that.”

 Monthly meetings 

The WARP Office meetings are held every month in both Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand.

According to HWPL, religious leaders have tried to seek the concrete standards of trustworthy scripture in finding a true essence of religion and role of religious leaders in achieving peace and cessation of war comparing each religious scripture.

This approach of peace project by HWPL has its findings that religious conflicts account for over 80% of world conflicts, so ceasing this is crucial for peace.

HWPL’s WARP Office started off with the WARP Summit held in Seoul, September 18, 2014. HWPL has been operating it and religious leaders across the globe are engaging in this conversation to minimize religious conflicts and bring forth peace.

There are 204 WARP Offices in 112 countries (As of January, 2017).

A HWPL member said, “The religious leaders who participated in today’s dialogue will continue having discussion following up the directions about ‘Religions’ Role’ in peace building. Also, we will carry out them through the integral networks among religious people in New Zealand.”

WARP Office meetings are held globally to communicate and pursue peace with religions.

WARP website: http://hwpl.kr/initiative/alliance_religions

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