Monday, January 16, 2017

Distinctive Features of DPCW

Distinctive Features of DPCW,
Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War 

Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, 
Stepping Forward to a Law for Humanity 

HWPL initiated an International Law for Peace and Cessation of War as a solution to bring about peace to humanity and an instrument to dispose of all means that initiate war and armed conflicts. 
Representing the collective wish of people from all walks of life - HWPL’s initiative to international law for peace is a powerful and ground-breaking tool which will enable worldwide enjoyment of peace. 
Gaining global support, united in one voice, women and youth are at the forefront of urging for the presentation and implementation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War through the Advocacy Committee. 

  • Discouraging War Potential

DPCW, this is a more fundamental, developed approach from how to resolve conflict and reduce ensuing damage to how to achieve peace before the conflict leads to war. The most practical mechanism of peace and prevention of war potential is an agreement and respect on cessation of war in the international society as a whole.

  • Alternative, Practical Approach to Disarmament 

Refraining from the use of force should not mean elimination of all the human or material resources. Rather, constructive form of disarmament should be based on transformation of the resources to benefit the community.

  • Culture of Peace

The means to prevent war is not exceptional military power to suppress conflict by force, but exceptional spirit of peace with surveillance by citizens and sovereign power of people - democracy. This "culture of peace", through the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, seeks both quantitative and qualitative enhancement in peace education at a local level.

  • Freedom of Religion

The ground of religious teaching based on scriptures, which has played a leading role in such spiritual value of humanity as harmony, reconciliation, and love, can put an end to the sources conflict leading to war. Religious freedom with the discouragement of religious conflict and the guarantee of communication and cooperation among religions will contribute to mutual development of human culture.

  • Conflict Resolution

Military measure or international compromise are temporary means, not fundamental ones for conflict resolution. International standard (law and agreements) as efforts of peace should be established and states' role and responsibility to respect ruling from international law shall be highlighted.

  • Participation of Citizens

To assist the current actions and continue to develop the efforts for peace, the participation of women and youth as the center of peace movement should be attained at an international level. This will facilitate cohesion of efforts of peace and collective power of people to support both the communities and international society.

'Distinctive Features of DPCW' Source:

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