Monday, June 22, 2015

HWPL News, First Dialogue of Scriptures in Latvia

Flag of Latvia
HWPL News:
First Dialogue 
of Scriptures 
in Latvia

HWPL, the host of the event, is a non-profit international peace organization that is spreading peace movement most enthusiastically and systematically in the world. HWPL has affiliated organizations, IWPG, and IPYG, they are working through and for the women and youth members in the world. Initiated and led by Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL, the affiliates are proceeding to enact an international law to cease all wars besides the establishment of the WARP Offices

First WARP Office opened in Latvia, 
Light of Peace expected in Baltic Countries

Participants are listening to the representative speech
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (“HWPL”, Chairman Man Hee Lee) held their first Dialogue of Scriptures through the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office at Riga Business School in Riga, Latvia on June 11th 2015. Embarking on the very first dialogue in Latvia, a Hindu representative Yogi Matsyendranath (of Natha Sampradaya) and other religious leaders from various faiths such as Lutheran Church, Buddhism, Catholicism, and Islam presented and discussed under the theme of ‘Definition of True Peace according to the Scripture.’Also headed by Randa Medne, the president of a youth group ‘Latvian 4-H’, and Gatis Kondrats, a founder of ‘Street warriors’, many youth participated and had Q&A time about the contents of the presentations.

The event first began by watching introduction videos of HWPL and WARP Summit, an unprecedented international peace festival held in last September in Republic of Korea. All the religious leaders who had seen the video of WARP summit for the first time were pleased to join such a great peace activity as Latvian peace delegates, being amazed by the large scale of HWPL’s peace movement.

Through the presentations of each religious leader, the important role of religious leader to establish peace was emphasized which led to the signing of the peace agreement, promising each other that they will continuously meet together for the purpose of peace. By listening to the statements of religious leaders, the youth participants had confidence that this meeting that discovers the answer to peace within each religious scripture would be the basis of all peace works.

The WARP office of HWPL, which is already being established globally with 62 offices in 41 countries, will also be held in many parts of the world in June including India and Switzerland. It is continuously being established all around the globe by religious leaders voluntarily and it aims to compare religious scriptures to recognize the true will of God, which is peace, not war, even within all the different teachings, and to become one. It is favorably reviewed as a practical way to advance the realization of world peace, because the Peace Dialogue does not end with just ‘recognizing’ the matter but encourage religious leaders to put ‘steady efforts’ to achieve a common goal, “World Peace.”

Guru Yogi Matsyendranath, a Hindu leader is giving
his speech about peace spoken inreligious scripture
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (“HWPL”), the host of the event, is a non-profit international peace organization that is spreading peace movement most enthusiastically and systematically in the world. 

HWPL has affiliated organizations, International Women’s Peace Group (“IWPG”), and International Peace Youth Group (“IPYG”) and they are working through and for the women and youth members in the world. Initiated and led by Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL, the affiliates are proceeding to enact an international law to cease all wars besides the establishment of the WARP Offices. 

Chairman Man Hee Lee played a key role in ending a 40-year religious conflict in Mindanao, Philippines where it used to be the hotspot of Asia. On May 25th 2015, he visited Mindanao and participated in the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and held International Peace Youth Group Walk Festival. By doing this, Catholic and Muslim representatives expressed their will to collect all hearts of the people for peace. With a growing support and cooperation of the international community, well-known places like city of Alexandria in Virginia state, Mindanao Philippines, and Royal Bafokeng Nation in Republic of South Africa have acknowledged HWPL’s achievements by unveiling peace monuments and designating May 25th as ‘HWPL Day’ as a day of world peace.

Of three Baltic States, Latvia’s first WARP Office is expected to play a key role as catalyst to remind the neighboring countries of the importance of peace. In this event, it was even more noteworthy that religious leaders who promised to become one through the peace agreement positively discussed the 2nd HWPL’s WARP Office in Latvia.

HWPL News, First Dialogue of Scriptures
in Latvia, SPY GHANA Your news in Scope

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