Sunday, July 15, 2018

HWPL, Peace Education's Value

Peace is the requirements of this age!

Peace advocates are sowing seeds of peace 
in many peace schools(academies) on global village.

As one sows, so shall he reap.
Reap the harvest of one's own sowing.

If more people sow seeds of peace, 
world peace would accomplish more and more quickly.

Education of HWPL
"Value of Peace"

'Sanctity of Life'
By internalizing the importance and value of the sanctity of life, as well as cultivating respect for both oneself and others, the foundation is laid for treating all humanity as worthy and equal. This plays a key role in overcoming conflicts and situations that result from differences in nationality, ethnicity, religion, culture and ideology.

'Loyalty and Filial piety'
By understanding the principle of social order and considering all humanity as valuable and equal, based on a sincere respect for others, it is possible to construct new behaviors in life in accordance with the necessary values required to live in harmony with one another.

'Co-existence and Sustainability'
Learning the norms and laws necessary for sustaining peaceful coexistence within the community and society allows for the development of a complete peaceful mindset in citizens as well as the ability to understand the way of harmonious coexistence and responding peacefully in various situations.

HWPL Peace Academies

Comments about HWPL Peace Education

Former Principal at Camps Bay Preparatory School of Cape Town

Are teachers supposed to produce "A rank students" or "A-rank citizens?"
Students who receive a good education will be "A-rank citizens" who understand order.
We need to foster people who understand that greed and ego ruin peace and bring about a world of chaos.

President of Cotabato city State Polytechnic College / Philippines

Students will be exposed to new concepts of a peaceful society free from evils and corruptions through the contents of the Peace Education Curriculum. Hence, education may become a powerful tool in achieving peace. It is therefore indispensable for them to be properly educated and learn the value of peace in achieving a happy and progressive living.

Teacher / Republic of South Africa

We need to coexist with one another and learn and teach the necessity of dignity towards others. There is no significance in succeeding in life if there is no respect, love or sympathy.

In-Country Representative of Teachers Without Borders-Kenya

I should not just teach for A's(rank), but teach someone who will be having the moral obligation to respect life. I've been trying my own ways until recently when I learned peace education values through HWPL and implemented it and it has worked. I found the solutions now.

General Director of School / Palestine

I have found the way to help students to co-exist regardless of their religion and change their minds into a peaceful way through the HWPL Value Integrated Education.

Professor of Don Bosco University

I consider that without peace education the children and youth will not have the tools of cohabitation. It is necessary to have an integral education where it teaches the following values: respect for life, respect and tolerance for one another, love and goodness... it teaches them to fulfill social norms.

Legal Advisor of School / Pakistan

I was putting my effort to educate children without any discrimination based on their gender or religion. I think the peace education of HWPL shares the same vision with me.

Teacher / South Sudan

In order for students to live with all people through co-existence, they have to learn social responsibility, a mind of respect for the elderly and a mind of glad devotion for the benefit of mankind.

Teacher / Rwanda

HWPL's peace education has been thought to make a change in people's mind and attitude.

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