Korean Children's Song
in Korean
I went up to the mountain yesterday and saw a lot of raspberries.~
Can we pick and eat a lot of raspberries while climbing mountains in other countries?
Especially Busan has a lot of mountains in Korea.
So I went to nearby Mt. Hwangnyeong.
I ate raspberries and took pictures of them.
Well, it reminds me of a Korean children's song about raspberries.
And I'll upload pictures taken in the mountains.
Video ▲ "Raspberry" Korean children's song in Korean
1. Ripe raspberries hiding behind the leaves
He saw a traveler passing by.
He hesitated whether to get it or not, but he's just leaving. ~ ♪
2. A raspberry secretly ripened behind a leaf.
That cute, covetous raspberry.
He just just can't take it. He's just leaving. ~ ♬
(=He is by no means to take it.)
1. 잎새 뒤에 숨어 숨어 익은 산딸기
지나가던 나그네가 보았습니다
딸까 말까 망설이다 그냥 갑니다
2. 잎새 뒤에 몰래몰래 익은 산딸기
귀엽고도 탐스러운 그 산딸기를
I really like Korean children's songs about how I can express
the expression of raspberries so vividly.
I can hardly express myself in English.
I can't translate "Chama Chama" into English.
Unfortunately, I translated Chama into just.
Is there anyone who can translate 'chama' closer to the meaning of Korean?
Beautiful - thank you for sharing.