Monday, March 30, 2015

Goals of the HWPL, WARP Summit and HWPL members

HWPL members who love peace

Goals of the WARP Peace Summit 
from HWPL and HWPL members 

1. To begin the process of establishing a universally applicable system of values focussing on aspects of morality and experience of life that bind us together as a global family.
 2. Establish a basic ideological foundation upon which a World Alliance of Religions can be built in order to bring conflicts founded on differing religious ideologies to an end.
 3. Draft and publicly make the Declaration of the World Alliance of Religions.
 4. Define the roles of cultural leaders, both secular and religious, in the creation and implementation of a new, heavenly culture.

It is time for us to gather!

The Solution for Peace is here~!!
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light, HWPL

HWPL members who love peace

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