Friday, March 11, 2016

HWPL International Law Peace Committee & 14 March

The HWPL International Law 
Peace Committee 
on March 14, 2016

Mr. Man Hee Lee, the Chairman of HWPL
Seoul, Republic of Korea,  – The HWPL International Law Peace Committee, consisting of twenty highly respected international law experts, is to publicly present the Declaration on the Cessation of War and Achievement of World Peace on March 14, 2016.
HWPL, Peace News

Over 1,000 internationally-renowned figures representing various fields: 

legal affairs, politics, NGOs, and media will gather at the Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration on the Cessation of War and Achievement of World Peace in Seoul to witness and support the Declaration – the one that will draw a new framework for an international law leading to global peace.

March 14th 4:00am(GMT) 
The moment that you have been waiting for 
if you are living on this earth!

The HWPL Revealing the Declaration 
for Peace for the sake of Humanity

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