Friday, March 11, 2016

HWPL, New Framework of International Peace Law

HWPL, New Framework 
of International Law 
for Achieving Peace

For Achieving Peace HWPL, IWPG, IPYG
What if the international law on the cessation of war
and achievement world peace,
which regulates all these things, were implemented?
14 March 2016
A Historic Declaration that will protect Humanity
The Law of Peace is Proclaimed in the Republic of Korea

In March 14, 2016, HWPL aims at taking a great leap forward for peace by publicly presenting the Declaration on the Cessation of War and Achievement of World Peace at the HWPL’s Proclamation Ceremony which will be attended by Government representatives of Legal Affairs, HWPL International Law Peace Committee, HWPL Advisory Council Members & Publicity Ambassadors, and IPYG & IWPG members.

The Proclamation Ceremony will serve as a platform to not only proclaim the Declaration to the public for the first time in history but also initiate the development process of the Declaration into an enforceable International Law, thus reaffirming our solidarity in bringing forth a world without wars.

 The Declaration on the Cessation of War and Achievement of World Peace drafted by the HWPL International Law Peace committee is significant that it includes articles on the most controversial issues as well as its distinctive solutions:

▲ To watch, "HWPL, 3.14 Proclamation Ceremony Promotion Video"

1. Conversion of weapon manufacturing facilities into beneficial use for humanity
 This stipulates an obligation to dismantle existing weapons of mass destruction and convert them into beneficial tools for humanity.

2. Prohibition on production, sales and supply of all kinds of weapons of destruction
 This stipulates an obligation to prohibit production, sales, and supply of all weapons that can be utilized against human lives during wr time, therefore blocking any attempts to motivate wars and conflicts.

3. Religious Conflict Resolution
 This is included as a provision in international law for the first time in history.
 As religion has been the center of wars and conflicts, this stipulates an obligation of religious organizations and leaders to take responsibility for religion-related conflicts to ultimately prohibit wars caused by religious misunderstandings.

4. Renunciation of possessing war potential
 This stipulates that any possible sources of conflict should be prevented. States and international organizations can play a major role in making collective efforts to discourage misuse of system, organization, or policy leading to war.

5. Establishment of Global peace Policy
 This stipulates a legal foundation that encourages states and international organizations to elicit necessary policies to achieve world peace.

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