HWPL Peace Declaration Day Campaign
The Quickest
Way of Peace
♥ Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light ♥
We who live in this world must become one in love in order for war to have no longer a place anywhere. A world of peace is not for free. It isn’t something that is given for free without our efforts. It is by the gathering of hearts for peace and making it a reality. Through all our efforts! Through the gathering of hearts that love peace!! That is how world peace will be achieved.
Let's join us for world peace~!
I Love 'HWPL Peace Declaration Day Campaign'
To everyone who loves peace,
Greetings from HWPL
What will you do on March 14?
This year, on March 14, the Declaration on the Cessation of War and Achievement of World Peace, the one that will draw a new framework for an international law leading to global peace, will be publicly presented.
To that end, with an earnest heart for peace to become a reality, HWPL is launching an online campaign:
I Love HWPL Peace Declaration Day Campaign
1. Purpose
To promote the 'Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration on the Cessation of War and Achievement of World Peace' on March 14, 2016 through various online platforms.
2. How to join the campaign?

2) Post this image on your SNS to support the Declaration on the Cessation of War and Achievement of World Peace
3) Tell your friends to join this campaign by sharing the image
To both those who are attending the ceremony and those who are not, let us gather our hearts longing for peace together and participate in the campaign, I Love HWPL Peace Declaration Day Campaign
Through a simple action, this small movement will become an opportunity to let the world know that peace is not really a distant dream.
Thank you.

2. HWPL International Law Blog
3. HWPL Facebook official Webpage
4. HWPL Instagram Official Webpage
5. HWPL Line Friends (Android/iphone App)
(Open the Line App - Search - Put "@hwpl" and add as friend)
6. Weibo (Chinese)
7. Twitter
8. Wechat (Chinese)
(Open the Wechat App - Search - Put "HWPL" and add)
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