Thursday, March 24, 2016

HWPL, Press Conference [Q & A]

[HWPL Press Conference] 
After Proclamation Ceremony 
of the Declaration 
of Peace and Cessation of War

Press Conference held after Proclamation Ceremony 
of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War

Q. What is the biggest difference between the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, the one that we witnessed today, from the existing Declarations or International Peace Law? - Mr. Mohamed Eltayeb Babiker Elkhidir, Senior News Producer,  Al Jazeera

HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee : The role of the current international law seems weak when it comes to ceasing all wars and achieving a sustainable peace. Why is it the case? It is because we have justified wars as legally permissible. Within the boundary of this Declaration which will be developed to be accepted by many, war and warlike activities cannot be initiated, all weaponry ought to be transformed into daily tools, and armies can no longer be trained. When we do this work of peace, it will be done. It was deemed impossible only because we did not do it. Stop war and peace will prevail. When we abide by what’s stated in the Declaration, war will not break out and peace will be achieved.

Q. What are the driving forces or the implementation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War? - Mr. Bojan Stojkovski, Journalist, Makfax

Dr. Fathi Kemicha, Member of the ICCA Governing Board : The driving force for the implementation of this declaration will be what is already in the hands of HWPL. There is already a good network placed that can be expanded and we (the HWPL International Law Committee) are very optimistic about the outcomes. Once thousands and millions of young people, women, and men go for what is written in the Declaration, the states have no other choice but to listen to the civil society. We are very confident about the (implementation) process.

Q. What is the plan of actions of youth and women for the development of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War? - Dr. Mohamed Abdelwahab Allali, Professor of Communication, Institutes of Media and Communication

IWPG Chairwoman: The difference between the HWPL Declaration and existing international law is like the difference between heaven and earth. The current international law may minimize the casualties and destructions when war breaks out or tends to be half-hearted for solving conflicts. However, the law proclaimed today is designed to block war completely. We, IWPG and IPYG, the wings of HWPL, will urge this initiative to be implemented. And get agreements from all nations in the international community. It will light the global family’s hearts for peace. After the Declaration is implemented, women and youth in each country will constantly urge and monitor the governments to make sure they keep their words, and apply the Peace Curriculum to seed peace-loving minds for the future generations. This Declaration is going to be the best privilege that mankind can enjoy. Thus, we shall not stop after this Declaration but cooperate with the UN so the Earth will never go through war again. That is why all women and youth should gather their strength to achieve world peace.

Q. What is the role of media to develop the Declaration and establish the Inter- national Convention of Peace and Cessation of War? - Mr. Ram Prasad Bhandari, Senior News Editor, NTV 

HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee : Media has a very important responsibility to be at the forefront of spreading the message of peace as active peace messengers. The Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War served as a pathway towards peace, providing an opportunity for the world to witness the momentous act in the history of peace. I believe media takes a great part in urging this Declaration so that everyone can take it for granted and it can be effectively implemented worldwide to greet the new era of peace.

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