Saturday, November 7, 2020

2020 Peace Program Realization

2020 Realization of Program of Peace


Realization of the DPCW: Spreading a Culture of Peace with Peace Messengers around the World 

2020 has been a difficult year for the world and HWPL. A global pandemic has posed threats to our daily lives, and we are placed in situations where changes in our way of life are inevitable in order to get through the difficulties. At times like this, sympathy and solidarity are needed more than ever to overcome the current crisis, but HWPL is instead facing hatred and stigma in Korea due to COVID-19 and is struggling to protect its charter. 

Nevertheless, no wars or diseases could stop humanity from aspiring for prosperity and better lives over the history. The present difficulties came upon us all too suddenly and threw everyone into confusion, but at the same time, we are reminded of the value of peace and safety, why efforts such as the peace activities of HWPL are needed, what has been done, and what can be done from now. If we turn this crisis into opportunity and seek ways to let more people in the world know
the importance of peace, we will be able to uphold the noble value of "the achievement of global peace." 

Click to view the original text =>>   .   .   .   .   .   .   

Post-COVID, a New Policy Proposal to Boost HWPL Peace program

Who: HWPL members and global citizens who are interested in peace activities

When: November 1 – December 10, 2020

How to Participate: Fill out the form attached at the bottom of the page and send it to*contact-free method)

Realization of the DPCW:
Spreading a Culture of Peace with Peace Messengers around the World

■ Information about Policy Proposals for 2021 
ㆍTheme: Post-COVID, a New Policy Proposal to Boost HWPL Peace Program 
                  - Keywords: COVID-19, post-COVID, contact-free peace activities 
                  - Part1 : Ways to boost the three key initiatives of HWPL
                     (implementation of the DPCW, WARP Office, and peace education)
                  - Part2 : Activities that can realize the DPCW and spread a culture of peace (ex. volunteer work, humanitarian activities, etc) 
ㆍWhen: November 1 – December 10, 2020 
ㆍWho: HWPL members and global citizens who are interested in peace activities 
ㆍDocument for Submission: 1 copy of Proposal  

■ How to Participate 
ㆍFill out the form attached at the bottom of the page and send it to (*contact-free method) 

■ Cases of Cooperation (
Go in with the link in parentheses for cooperative cases~*

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