Sunday, March 28, 2021

Ways of Peace and War


Let’s try again to upload a picture of the road we took yesterday.

I also upload a video of a dove, a symbol of peace.

I mainly watched the pigeons in flight, but yesterday the dove kept walking to find food by walk.

Paths of Peace and War

As for the road, there are two paths: the path to war, such as war and peace, and the path to peace.

War is hell on this earth, and a world in which peace is perfectly made will surely be heaven on this earth.

Here, I will briefly look at a new complex prose genre, Western classics.

ㅡ Tolstoy 『War and Peace』

- Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Having a new idea of life, Fjer becomes a completely different person from the past. Above all, he transforms himself into a practitioner who actually realizes good in life.

Fjer says in a confident voice to Natasha, who became his wife: 

My thoughts are simple and clear. I never say I should be against anyone. We might make a mistake. I just say this. Those who love good, hold hands with each other. And make active practice of good deeds the only banner.

I think peace is the final destination of what Fjer said here.

Raise your hand if you don't want to go to your final destination, the world of peace?

There is a peace organization that is taking the process to enter the world of peace.

HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light)!

If you want to know about HWPL, click below to look around.

This link is the homepage of HWPL.

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