Sunday, May 16, 2021

Raining Snake Strawberry

Origin and Benefits of Snake Strawberry

  •  Origin of Snake strawberry

Snake Strawberry is derived from the Chinese character Smae (蛇莓, snake strawberry), and is known by its name because the plant grows in a grassy field, rice field, or sunny field where snakes live.

  • Benefits of Snake Strawberry in Korea

It mainly deals with dermatology, respiratory and circulatory diseases.

Related diseases: beriberi, cold, constipation, diabetes, frostbite, fever, blood, upper limit, diarrhea, cancer (bone marrow cancer), heat poisoning, swelling, menstrual impurity (volatile), gastritis, swelling, swelling, poisoning, stroke, asthma, Bruises, swelling (burns), hematomesis, hemagogue, dermatitis, chronic cough, fever clearance(antipyresis), blood circulation, blood pressure control

※ Child's disease  : eczema on a baby's head or face 

It's a rainy forest scene.
Shall we go into the forest on a rainy day together?

▼ Look at that ant~! ▼

The lives that live with nature seem to be healthy.
Because there is peace, love, and freedom in nature.

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