Friday, November 5, 2021

Dead Tree vs Living Tree & 7th WARP Summit

A Dead Tree, A Living Tree

And 7th Anniversary of the September
18th HWPL World Peace Summit

"Legislate Peace" (LP) project

A Living Tree

A Dead Tree

Living trees make mountains green.

On the other hand, how does a dead tree affect a mountain?

It can carry pests or make mountains sick.

The more living trees there are, the healthier the mountain becomes.

The more dead trees there are, the sicker the mountain becomes.

What do you think?

I don't want you to become such a dead tree that doesn't move about peace and doesn't care about peace in the global community like the dead tree above.

If you liken this global village to a mountain, you who live and move for peace will probably be a living and breathing healthy tree that supplies the best clear peace air.

Replay the video of 7th HWPL World Peace Summit ⏩

Below are trees(peace messengers) that provide the clear air of peace by people who move alive for peace in the global community of peace advocates.

Concerted Action for Sustainable Peace: Cases of the "Legislate Peace" Project

HWPL is conducting the "Legislate Peace" (LP) project, an initiative to garner support for the DPCW and achieve its adoption at the international level. Starting this year, we have launched new campaigns to bring fresh energy to our society that has grown weary of the pandemic.

Online Study Group on the DPCW Handbook

One of the campaigns is an online study group on the DPCW Handbook. This handbook explains the 10 articles and 38 clauses of the DPCW in detail. The study aims to teach citizens about the values and spirit of peace embodied in each article and urge them to support the DPCW.

The idea of the handbook was first suggested at the 7th International Law Peace Committee Meeting in 2019 and was developed step by step even in the midst of the pandemic. As a result, the handbook was finalized in October 2020. The handbook includes content on each article of the DPCW as well as related international issues, which can open in-depth discussions on why peace is necessary and how it can be achieved.

Source: (Advancing the DPCW’s Peace Agenda in a New Normal 👉 Concerted Action for Sustainable Peace)
Cases of the "Legislate Peace" Project of HWPL

1 comment:

  1. HWPL’s peace work is unprecedented. I sincerely hope it will continue with great vigour, as it seems peace and stability is needed now more than ever in these uncertain times. More than 30,000 people from 157 countries attended the 7th Anniversary HWPL World Peace Summit online on Sept. 18th 2021, and more than 200 schools worldwide have been designated HWPL Peace Academies, educating today's youth on the importance of peace.

    Moreover, many heads of state - both existing and former - have publicly declared their support for HWPL's Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), citing it as the only solution to ceasing all conflict and achieving peace on a global scale. The words of H.E. Viktor Yushchenko, former President of Ukraine, sums up the importance of the DPCW very well: “The DPCW is a perfect and balanced document that can be the basis of solidarity for peacekeeping in all countries of the world. I think all the leaders of the countries should support the DPCW.”

    May the words, 'We are One!' ring true in 2021 and into 2022✌️
