Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chairman of HWPL Man Hee Lee Speech

HWPL News,
Chairman of HWPL Man Hee Lee
and Peace Movement

Peace Advocate Man Hee Lee(Chairman of HWPL) Declares the Urgency to join Peace Movement and amend International Law!

Chairman of HWPL Man Hee Lee introduced the work of HWPL in his speech as follows, “We are undertaking the global initiatives to bring sustainable peace for all and to fulfill what is stated in the Declaration of World Peace.” 

Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL continued to urge the participants to join the peace movement by saying “Every global citizen, regardless of their social status, should work as messengers of peace, putting efforts to bring forth our common goal.” 

Chairman of HWPL Man Hee Lee, he highlighted the urgency of improving the current situations of many countries by continuing his statement, “No country should experience wars rooted in religious misunderstandings” Supreme Court Justice Sheikh Khalifa B. Nando of MILF who signed on the agreement of the enactment of an international law for peace has agreed that it is necessary to collaborate efforts of people to amend such legislation.

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