Thursday, November 19, 2015

WARP Office of HWPL, in Malaysia

WARP Office of HWPL, 
in Malaysia

- Haze couldn’t stop fresh breeze of peace in Malaysia



Recently, Malaysia suffered from air pollution due to haze. However, even the haze cannot interrupt the people who gathered to achieve peace. Now, the clear wind of peace is blowing in Malaysia which has had potential conflicts among various religions and ethnic groups.

At the office of the Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organisations (Mapim) on Nov 7, the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office (WARP Office) held its 5th meeting hosted by an international peace organisation, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL).

Religious leaders who represent each faiths such as Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, and newly Christianity attended this event and had a time of conversation about ‘the Good and Evil in each scriptures of religion’. The WARP Office is the place of harmony that enables religious leaders to gather and seek how they could contribute to world peace.

The event first began with watching the highlights video of 4th WARP Office. All the participants who had seen the video were pleased to join this actual movement in Malaysia constantly, being touched by the growing scale and results which HWPL has accomplished.

Under the topic, ‘the Good and Evil in each scriptures of religion’, religious leader’s speeches began. A Sikhism leader, Sardar Harcharan Singh, made people realise the importance of scriptures again by saying “Our scriptures give us guidance to make proper use of our own conscience. Therefore, following or ignoring the guidance brings us rewards or punishments based on the scripture.”

After the guest speakers’ speeches, there was a session where religious leaders and all attendants at this meeting sought similarities and differences in each faith through taking part in the ‘OX Quiz’ about ‘Good and Evil’. Especially, all speakers had an impassioned debate about the question – ‘Do you believe that there are Evil people couldn’t solve?’

Unlike in previous events, this 5th event was held in two parts. All participants could have the chance to hear speeches of the representatives of the Youth and Women. It was a meaningful event informing the fact that the youth who have to enter wars and the women who are the mothers of them have to strive to achieve ending war by themselves.

HWPL is a non-profit international peace organisation that is spreading peace movements most enthusiastically and systematically in the world. Being amazed by the great efforts of chairman Man Hee Lee, religious leaders all around the world are gathering gradually to harmonise together.

-The Peace Line

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