Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Peace advocate, Man Hee Lee in Kosovo

HWPL Peace advocate, Man Hee Lee in Kosovo: Sodonia News

Peace Advocate, 
Man Hee Lee 
in Kosovo

Peace advocate Man Hee Lee
Making Peace a Reality in Kosovo 

Pristina, Kosovo – President Abbas of Palestine, President Nishani of Albania and numerous leaders in various fields, have agreed to join and work alongside with world peace activist Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) and Chairwoman of the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) to make world peace a reality in our lifetime. The peace delegation continues on their journey to meet Presidents, international law scholars, youth, and media around the world who will join hands to accomplish the work of peace.

“Advocation of the International Convention
on the Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts”, 

Upon their arrival on December 10th, at the “Advocation of the International Convention on the Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts”, Chairman Man Hee Lee and the HWPL peace delegation met with all thirteen justices of the Supreme Court of Kosovo including Chief Justice Fejzullah Hasani, Justice Nesrin Lushta, presider of the meeting, and Justice Shukri Sylejmani.

Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL and President Jahjaga
During the meeting, Chairman Man Hee Lee asked the justices, “When we speak of democracy, whom does it represent? Aren’t the citizens the face of democracy?” He continued, “If leaders are only trying to maintain their power, we face authoritarianism in the name of democracy. We, the citizens of this globe, must urge them to pursue true democracy. People are the owners of democracy. 

The Convention that cares about human dignity must be drafted, but it must not be done using any forms of power or authority. Regardless of the country or generation, the law that protects and promises to end all wars must be prioritized at an international level. The enactment of the Convention is a crucial step in obtaining world peace.” After Chairman Lee’s rousing speech, all justices signed an agreement pledging to support the International Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts.

On the second day in Kosovo, Chairman Man Hee Lee met with President Atifete Jahjaga, the first female President of Kosovo. President Jahjaga is highly esteemed for her leadership among women and youth’s empowerment and interfaith dialogue to reach out to minority communities in Kosovo.

Chairwoman of IWPG appealed to President Jahjaga to motivate women and youth in Kosovo to participate in the peace activities of HWPL. The International Convention was driven by the marginalized voices of women and youth worldwide. She said, “Ongoing terrorist attacks and civil wars throughout the world can be resolved by gathering strength and support from each country’s women and youth. What terrifies us the most is not the wars that we experienced in the past, but the ones we are still to experience. 

What terrifies us is the fact that our children may encounter the same suffering and pains. Those brutal acts should never be repeated and passed down to them. We absolutely have to stop handing down the atrocities of war. Women and youth are uniting and raising their voices to help the implementation of the Convention on the Cessation of War. I firmly believe that when leaders around the world empathize and put themselves in the shoes of others in the name of peace, achieving peace is not a distant dream.”

President Jahjaga was impressed with Chairman ManHeeLee and Chairwoman  effort that she decided to establish a HWPL peace park and a peace monument in Kosovo to support HWPL’s global peace initiatives. Currently, HWPL and IWPG members are working tirelessly to implement the Convention and leading the way to support women, youth, and interfaith peace activities worldwide, including various volunteer services, academic education, and the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office meetings. Peace is possible.

Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL and chairwoman of IWPG exclusive and in-depth interview were aired through News 24, the Albanian news channel

an agreement pledging to support the International Convention
on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts

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