Monday, February 29, 2016

HWPL, Big Smile Campaign

 This Big Smile Campaign to Bring Out More Smiles from Religious Leaders  Participating in HWPL WARP Offices All over the World!

The Big Smile Campaign of HWPL

A Project to Bring Out More Smiles from Religious Leaders  Participating in HWPL WARP Offices All over the World!

  • What is the Big Smile Campaign?

It is a campaign to spread the happy virus, sharing  happiness and laughter with people across all faiths,  our  family  of  peace  worldwide,  starting  from  the  smiles of the religious leaders who take an active  part in HWPL WARP Office meetings.

  • How to Participate

After  each  WARP  Office  meeting,  all  participants  will gather and put their arms around each other’s  shoulders to take a group photo. Lastly, put on a BIG  SMILE! 

"The bigger and brighter smile you put on your face, the more you will feel peace. Always greet others with a smile that embraces differences. Peace begins with that smile."

The photo that has the “Best Smile” will be selected and will be prominently displayed  on the HWPL Newsletter and the HWPL WARP Office Journal.

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