Sunday, February 7, 2016

To Say "HWPL WARP Office"

To Speak about 
WARP Office 
by HWPL 

The most pleasant part is managing to shove 1 mini-second of my favorite Atheists Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins into the Montage... I think they are God's missionaries sent 
to testify about the corruption of religions.

  <HWPL WARP Office>

The Old Unresolved Questions of Humanity
Questions about the Origin of World, Life and Death, Existence of God,,,
Too Many answers from Philosophy, Personal research, Various beliefs,,,
We Need an Answer!
We Need an Answer of world peace!!

  •  Abhay Awasthi/ Australia Hinduism Pandit 

“I would like to pay my respect to the chairman of HWPL, Mr ManHeeLee, whose energy, enthusiasm, vision and hard work has become very fruitful for world peace.″

  • Charles Kyalo/ United Arabemirates Protestantism Pastor

"We have had a group of Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists.
This is such a beautiful thing."

  • Duan Zhiquan/ China Taoism Taoist leader

"Mencius, a Chines philosopher, had prophesied 
that 500 years later a prince will appear.
The Creator God has sent Chairman ManHeeLee.
I see the hope of world peace in the fact that 
such a great man exists in out world."

  • Ibrahim Syed/ United States Islam President

I am also HWPL's messenger of peace.
I would like to participate and contribute for the advancement for peace in the world.

  • Mohan Ranjan Balendran/ Sweden Hinduism Chief priest

I have realized through the HWPL WARP Office that now is the time for peace.

  • Shugan C. Jain/ India Jain Chairman

I feel that the HWPL WARP Office provides an excellent opportunity to understand peace in the scriptures of different religions.

  • Thich Tinh Tri/ United States Buddhism Monk

It is such a blessing to be with the leaders from many different religions to help end suffering, and to bring peace to the world.

  • Wattegama Dhammawasa Nayaka Thero/ Sri Lanka Buddhism Chief Monk

It is a great privilege for me to able to participate in the World Alliance of Religions' Peace Dialogue.

  • Father Stephan/ Ukraine Ukrainian Orthodox Church Parish Priest

Jesus Christ said that one can recognize the tree by its fruit.
By seeing the HWPL WARP Office, I know that HWPL is indeed a good tree.

  • Rabbi Dukhovny/ Ukraine Progressive Judaism Rabbi

Through the WARP Summit last year the dove of peace came to Ukraine.
We have become the doves of peace by being the messengers of peace at the HWPL WARP Offices.


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