Saturday, March 5, 2016

Vietnam War and HWPL Peace

In Vietnam War, the Use of Defoliant 
In the Declaration of World Peace 
by HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee

In the Declaration of World Peace by Chairman Man Hee Lee from HWPL, it says,
“Of what use is a young life …… thrown away without having had a chance to bloom? 
What price can compensate for the loss of a life? 
Do these young souls have another chance at life?”

<The Use of Defoliant in Vietnam War>

※ A defoliant is a chemical (herbicide) to restrict metabolism of plants and cause them to wither.

In the Vietnam War, this chemical, defoliant was used to destroy forest and secure the sight, so that the place of seclusion and weapon transport of the Viet Cong can be revealed. 

From 1960 to 1971, the chemical was sprayed throughout the 15 percent of the whole territory of Vietnam. And 80 percent of the affected land was especially effective on the area of operation by the Republic of Korea (ROK) Army. Dioxin, one of the most toxic chemical in the world, is included in a defoliant.

The material cannot easily be dissolved; when it is absorbed in human body, the accumulation can affect even after 10 to 25 years, which causes cancer, damage on the nerve system, malformation, etc. And it can be inherited to the kids. When there was the cease-fire, regardless of nationality, soldiers engaged in the war came back home with the chemical in their bodies. Now the suffering started. Soldiers began to feel pain from the unknown illness, which became the social problem in many countries. Compensations were made to “some” of them with financial support.

But How~
How can life~

But how can life be compensated by other quality? War destroyed the earth. What’s worse is it destroyed the life of people. And the children, without any reasons, had to face the suffering in their whole lives.

In the Declaration of World Peace by Chairman Man Hee Lee from HWPL, it says, “Of what use is a young life …… thrown away without having had a chance to bloom? What price can compensate for the loss of a life? Do these young souls have another chance at life?”

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