Monday, April 4, 2016

HWPL Peace Law, Groundbreaking Tool

HWPL Peace Law: 
Groundbreaking Tool 
to Attain World Peace

Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL who presented the articles of the Declaration said, 
“in order to accomplish the collective wishes of all humanity, we have gathered here today. 
This very moment at this very place will never be forgotten in the history of mankind 
for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War will be publicly proclaimed. 
All citizens of this globe will have to gather their hearts to acknowledge 
and urge this Declaration to embrace the new era and new life full of peace.”

 SEOUL, Mar. 16 (MNA) – The HWPL International Law Peace Committee, consisting of 20 highly respected international law experts, has publicly presented the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War in the Coex Auditorium, Seoul, South Korea on March 14.

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), an international peace organization in association with the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI), actively spreads the culture and message of peace to every corner of the world with the hope of achieving cessation of wars.

​HWPL presented an International law for the cessation of war and achievement of world peace as a solution to bring about peace to humanity and an instrument to dispose of all means that initiate war and armed conflicts.

On March 14, HWPL held 'Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War' in Seoul of South Korea, which served not only as a platform to proclaim such a Declaration to the public but also in initiate its development process into an enforceable International Law, bringing forth a world without wars​.

Since its official inauguration in September 2015, the HWPL International Law Peace Committee has contributed their expertise to develop the draft of the Declaration through in-depth discussions and conferences. The committee members, under the clear purpose of prohibiting war and war-like activities, have been tirelessly working to develop the draft of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War which was publicly presented only after 6 months the committee was inaugurated.

Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL who presented the articles of the Declaration said, “in order to accomplish the collective wishes of all humanity, we have gathered here today. This very moment at this very place will never be forgotten in the history of mankind for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War will be publicly proclaimed. All citizens of this globe will have to gather their hearts to acknowledge and urge this Declaration to embrace the new era and new life full of peace.”

The core elements of the Declaration include prohibition of: the threat or use of force; obtaining war potential; and dispute settlement; freedom of religion; spreading a culture of peace. The Declaration is a powerful and ground-breaking tool to dispose of all means that initiate war and armed conflicts, thus further attaining humanity’s fundamental goal, peace.

In the Preamble, it says, the Declaration aims to ‘maintain international peace and security and (is) determined to pass on to successive generations an invaluable inheritance of a world free of wars’ and to ‘bear in mind the universal commitment of the world’s religions to the promotion of peaceful coexistence, tolerance and mutual respect, and the common spirit that permeates all religious scriptures and holy texts.’

During the ceremony, congratulatory speeches were delivered by H.E. Ali Abu Diak, Minister of Justice of State of Palestine, H.E. Alice Chaptini, Minister of Justice in Lebanon, H.E. Lex Mpati, South Africa President of Supreme Court of Appeal etc.

IWPG Chairwoman gave a keynote speech by saying, “Once the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War is proclaimed today, youth and women all around the world will quickly rise to urge the international community to support the Declaration…As stated in the Declaration, removing all potentials that cause conflicts is the most valuable work which will become the eternal legacy for the future generations.”

The Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War was followed by a press conference where renowned international media such as Aljazeera, GMA, and Jordan news agency, gathered to cover the events of the day. The HWPL Advocacy Committee, comprising of youth and women representatives, will be established on March 15th to support and maximize the potential of the Declaration.

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