Saturday, September 24, 2016

Commemorative Addresses For World Peace -WARP Summit 2016

Commemorative Addresses of Man Hee Lee HWPL Chairman, 
IWPG Chairwoman 
& ......

Commemorative Addresses of Man Hee Lee
HWPL Chairman & Peace advocate
at the WARP Summit 2016
Mr. Man Hee Lee / HWPL Chairman & Peace Advocate 

“Greetings to family of peace from home and abroad, and welcome to the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. 

Here today at the Peace Festival for the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit, the spirits of heaven and people of the earth are gathered, as well as the eyes, ears, and hearts of the global community. 

 Dear family of peace, politicians, people of religion, and global community, let us cease all wars and leave peace as an eternal legacy for our future generations. 

This is the mission that we must fulfill in this generation and a special command from heaven. And it is the way for humanity to survive. 

Messengers of peace around the world, HWPL International Law Peace Committee members, and journalists—both heaven and earth have seen and acknowledged your dedicated efforts. We are one family, messengers of peace. 

Let us accomplish our purpose: "world peace". 

Let us urge heads of state and religious leaders around the world to fulfill their promises. Let us urge them to sign their support for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, consisting of 10 articles and 38 clauses, and let us sign our support as well. 

This is the way to love the world and all the people, like the light, rain, and air of the heavens. This is true politics and true religion; this is true love and peace.”  

IWPG Chairwoman 

To speed up the advancement towards an era of peace, I propose a code of conduct to the global community. 

First, heads of state around the world should become one for peace and support the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War. 

Second, all the religions of the world should transcend denominations and doctrines to become one for peace. 

Third, all women and youth of the world should join the IWPG and IPYG in promoting the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War and urging support for the Declaration. 

Fourth, peace education should be implemented throughout the world. 

At this time, let us promise once again to achieve peace in this generation by all means possible. Together, we can definitely achieve a world where all people live in peace and harmony!” 

H.E. Ivo Josipović, Former President of Croatia,
Ceremony Address Speech, WARP Summit 2016
 “The Declaration (of Peace and Cessation of War), delivered not only to the political leaders of many countries, but to the wide public as well, has increased the awareness of the need for urgent action to stop wars and build peace around the globe. We, gathered around HWPL, and like all others we must become peace messengers in our community, nation and then to the whole world.” 

<H.E. Ivo Josipović / Former President of Croatia>

Rt. Hon. Hrant Bagratyan/
Former Prime Minister of Armenia,
Ceremony Address Speech, WARP Summit 2016
 "With me myself as one of the 29 representatives among political leaders, I was there at the 2014 WARP Summit. We promised to enact the international law and religious leaders agreed on building religious harmony in front of heaven, all the people of the world and the peace advocate. Ever since then, On March 14th this year, The DPCW proclaimed and comparison study of the scriptures still actively going on to the harmony of religions. All of these efforts are to keep the promise that was made at the 2014 WARP Summit.” 

<Rt. Hon. Hrant Bagratyan / Former Prime Minister of Armenia> 

H.E. Odeta Nishani / First Lady of Albania,
Ceremony Address Speech,
WARP Summit 2016
“We need to raise those hopes by spreading these messages to every corner of the globe, because, in the end, those of us who want peace outnumber by far those who think that peace may be just a linguistic expression…I hope that during this conference, the working groups will have a chance to explore and find ways to realize this, maybe small, but significant step towards a better future.” 

<H.E. Odeta Nishani / First Lady of Albania> 

H.H Samdech Preah Agga,  Mahā Sangharājādhipati
Tep Vong / The Great Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia,
Ceremony Address Speech, WARP Summit 2016
“To achieve what we are expecting for, we need the extensive knowledge, experiences, commitment, and cooperation from all participants of all fields…to make their significant contributions on theme of this summit, and we take all those contributions to set as policy and plan to work for the sustainable peace, prosperity, and happiness of all people in this world.” 

<H.H Samdech Preah Agga,  Mahā Sangharājādhipati Tep Vong / The Great Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia >

Commemorative Addresses 
of Man Hee Lee HWPL Chairman, 
IWPG Chairwoman & ...... 

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