Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Bus Barricade of Aleppo, 'Monument' in Dresden By Halbouni

A Bus Barricade of Aleppo, 'Monument' in Dresden
<By Halbouni>

-An artist from Syria, Manaf Halbouni delivering 'hope'-

The monument was recreating three buses which was propped up vertically in an Aleppo street to build a barricade against sniper fire of government force

Bus Barricade Against Sniper 
in Aleppo, Recreating 
in Dresden Germany

Do you know Civil War in Syria, don't you

🚌 🚌 🚌 Three buses became a barricade to protect civilians.

Mr. Halbouni said "I'd like to thank to the people 
in the world who are working for cessation of war and peace."

Halbouni wants to deliver the message of 'hope' through the symbolling 'agony of Aleppo'. 

Feb. 8th 2017, the monument which
three buses propped up vertically was installed
by an artist Halbouni from Syria in front of
Frauenkirche church in Dresden, Germany
Aleppo in Syria was the most ferocious battlefield. 

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, government force started a death battle against Syria rebel armies in July, 2012. 

The brutal tragedy had been going up to December last year when rebel armies retreated. 

Aleppo was the important strategic position which was taken by rebel armies. 

So, government force kept attacking hard to take it back. 

As a result, Aleppo became ashes which was the most commercial city and had more than 2 million Syrian. 

The children fell beneath the crashed debris and died due to the brutal attack of the government force. 

Last August, a picture of five-year-old Omran Daqneesh who was rescued from a rubble due to the air attack of the government force brought big issue in the world reporting tragedy of Syria.
📷 2016, Aught 17, Omran Daqneesh who was rescued from a pile of rubble due to the air attack in Syria Aleppo. 
A boy who is covered with dust and blood are testifying tragedy of the civil war by itself.

Citizen of Dresden and tourists are looking at 'Monument',
art piece which was installed in front of Frauenkirche church.
A bullet from a sniper was another threat on top of numerous bombing in Aleppo. 

In last 2015, three buses was placed on the street to protect civilians against a sniper of the government force. 

On 2015, March 21, Reuter broadcasted a picture of vertical buses which was placed in Al Qasr which was taken by rebel armies in Aleppo.

A bus barricade of Aleppo was recreated on 8th in eastern city, Dresden Germany. An artist from Syria, Manaf Halbouni(32) installed three buses vertically in front of Frauenkirche church in Dresden. Name of the work 'Monument'

An artist from Syria, Halbouni is standing in front of
his work on 8th which was instanlled in fron of
Frauenkirche church in Dresden, Germany.
<An artist from Syria, Manaf Halbouni delivering hope>
80% of Dresden was destroyed for 4 days from 1945, February 13 due to allied forces 'air bombing'. Official dead was 25,000. After that, with designated will and efforts, Dresden was rebuilt as a center of industries as if the old East Germany. Now this city stands for peace and unification. Dresden became a major industrial center in Europe. Dresden is also financially independent along with Wolfsburg among cities in Germany.

Halbouni wants to deliver the message of 'hope' through the Monument symbolling 'agony of Aleppo'. He said "Citizens of Aleppo did not stop putting efforts on their lives during consistent war. I'd like to thank to the people in the world who are working for cessation of war and peace."

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