Thursday, February 16, 2017

Practical Answer to Cease War of Man Hee Lee Peace Leader

Mr. Man Hee Lee Peace Leader & 
Practical Answer to Cease War

'Practical Answer to Cease War of Mr. Man Hee Lee Peace Leader' continued from <>
<Legislate Peace Campaign in Nepal>

Legislate Peace Campaign Sign Your Support

💘 Ceasing war, let's rebuild it with world peace~!

In order to achieve cessation of war and world peace, HWPL is working upfront ‘Legislate Peace Campaign’ for Declaration of Peace and Cessation of war(DWPC) to be legislated before UN. DWPC was declared by HWPL on March 2016 and it has the most practical answer to cease war. 

To know more details DPCW, Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War. 
Please visit the websites of Peace Law ''

DPCW will be the most perfect law which has thorough binding power. We need many supports and participations for DPCW to be legislated before UN as an international law.

HWPL convention supporting peace, is "the most valuable matter to hand down peace to our descendant"

I've worked as if I'm reviving lives like lights, rain and the air were given by God. 
To hand down peaceful world with no war to our descendant is the most valuable thing.

- Peace Leader, Man Hee Lee -

"There shouldn't be young lives who bleed out in war. 
Our duty in this generation is to prepare peaceful 
and blessed environment for our descendant to live on."

HWPL is discriminated from other organization 
when facing the fact that people in the world and 
Peace Leader, Man Hee Lee chairman of HWPL 
urge international law to legislate, 
they run alliance of religions’ peace office, 
they establish peace school and put 
curriculum to educate peace.

- Lee Hyun Chae, 
former U.N. messenger of peace -

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