Friday, August 11, 2017

Peace Activist, Man Hee Lee's Practical Outcoems: DPCW

Practical outcomes throughout 
steps of peace on chairman of HWPL, 
Man Hee Lee

Let's Check DPCW and Confirm 
at 3rd WARP Summit~!

I would like to know the top reasons the reason why HWPL and Chairman Man Hee Lee of HWPL are recieving such a great attention from international society~ 

In comparison with other peace act organization, the reason why HWPL and Peace advocate Man Hee Lee chairman are receiving such a great attention from international society is that HWPL has been achieving outstanding outcomes which is unthinkable and inconceivable with practical activities and executive power in order to end all kinds of conflicts and civil war all over the world.

And Chairman, Man Hee Lee of HWPL has suggested the answer to peace which is WARP, world alliance of religions Peace Summit, 3 years ago.

And then, this year, the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the September 19th WARP Peace Summit will play a key role in organizing peace-building processes and bridging the gaps between governments, civil societies, and intergovernmental organizations such as the UN.

Legislate Peace Campaign 2017 at a Glance

Delhi / India

Dr. Yuthika Mishra Professor 
in Vivekananda College and 
Vice president of Ujjawal 
Women's Association (UWA)

"When individual, social, and international peace activities are working together as an organism, the world can achieve peace truly.
I thought that the DPCW, an international work of HWPL should be introduced to more and more people.
If each article can be applied and legally-binding, world peace can be realized.
In addition, the students asked many questions about the values of peace and various peace movements to the seniors who have already been working for peace in India."

Since it was first launched in 2016, the Legislate Peace Campaign has gained greater momentum among youth and women leaders, directors of NGOs, and schools.
What began as simply a peace walk and events for collection signatures of support(Sign Your Support) at the early stage of the campaign soon developed into a wide range of fun peace building events such as the Origami Peace Dove campaign, the Peace Concert and the peace Art Contest.
As the days go on, the Legislate Peace Campaign advances its goal with better tools in hand, but the key message, that is peace, remains the same for all of its events.
However, the Legislate Peace Campaign needs a stronger partnership from government officials to establish its ground as a sustainable peace building activity.
HWPL will continue to strengthen the peace network by emphasizing the role of collaborative governance in every nation.
This year, the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the September 19th WARP Summit will play a key role in organizing peace-building processes and bridging the gaps between governments, civil societies, and intergovernmental organizations such as the UN.

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